Life Runners: For the Greater Glory

“I am not capable of doing big things, but I want to do everything, even the smallest things, for the greater glory of God.” – St. Dominic Savio

Everything can be an act of love for God, including a 5k run or walk, especially when participants are sharing a life-saving message.

Padre Pio Academy students and families participate in Life Runners, a nation-wide team of 23,400 runners across 3,500 cities who share pro-life messages while partaking in the sport of running. During a sobering survey, 78% of post-abortive mothers said that if they had encountered ONE supportive person or encouraging message, they would have chosen life. This heartbreaking discovery was the catalyst for Life Runners and a new effort to bring a life affirming message to the world.

Our community takes on the act of running or walking as a prayer to defend children in the womb, to bring about a culture of life, and to end abortion. This training prepares our students to bring their Catholic Faith and love “for the least of our brothers” into every aspect of their lives, just as they do during weekly practices and regular meets.

Coincidentally, the leaders of Life Runners also selected the humble, holy, and pro-life St. Pio as their patron after founder, Dr. Pat Castle, experienced a miraculous encounter with the saint during a race. Following St. Pio’s example, we are teaching students to have the courage to manifest our Faith before those who support abortion. St. Pio, pray for us!


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Summer 2024 Programming